Friday, November 14, 2014

What in your life influences your concept and appreciation of beauty?

I am still enjoying the interactive nü Icon movie by Laura Hollick this year
It is not too late to join and participate! This is a totally unsolicited testimonial . I just love the insights that watching her films and working through her exercises bring.
This week I made a portal to guide me from where I am now to where would like to be.
The messages are not new to me-  I just have to summon up enough courage to do them!
 So we had some time to sit with our portals and then came the assignment to gather up the elements that make up  our iconic essence, form them into a star, and see what the message is. It was another
challenge. Here is my star:
Again, no real surprises -except that I had never really put it all together. So far the message is:
I am discovering my true calling by feeling Beautiful, Cherished, Fulfilled, and Inspired.
My portal bridges tell me to Dance with Life, Love what is Now, Shine my Light, and Appreciate my Beauty. Another chance to summon up courage...
Why am I sharing all this? I have been so moved by the other people who have been participating on the Facebook page. If you want some insight to pull things together for you on how to move toward your desire Join us!  It's free and there is a very supportive group of people sharing their own insights and supporting each other.
This week's video is on the subject. I am enjoying being in my enchanted, magical fairy tale woodland! No courage required!  ;^)
Please leave a comment below or email me  Does any of this resonate? Does it help you to appreciate beauty everyday? Can any of this help you to embody your ageless beauty?

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