Friday, October 31, 2014

Who Has Influenced You to See and Appreciate Beauty?

This week I am posting my second in a series of 52 Videos in 52 Weeks- a challenge led by Video Visibility High Priestess Michelle White Hart. I am giving an unsolicited testimonial to Laura Hollick for her nĂ¼ Icon Movie click here to register for free to see the movie and to participate in the rituals that accompany each episode. The first steps this year include looking at your favorite art masterpieces and following a guided exercise to discover your Iconic Inner Essence. I love how it relates to appreciating beauty in the art that inspires us and beauty we can discover within ourselves.
Here is my response to the Iconic Inner Essence  discovery ritual.
I hope you find this fun and enlightening! When you register at you will also be able to join the interactive Facebook page and participate in the rituals.
I appreciate Laura Hollick's work  so much because she awakens people to beauty, she creates beauty, and she inspires  us to see, appreciate and create beauty from within ourselves.

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